niedziela, 21 sierpnia 2022


 Park Narodowy Ujście Warty ma swoją stronę: Strona główna | Oficjalna strona Parku Narodowego "Ujście Warty" (

This portal is available in English as well. Click photos to enlarge them.

Our accomodation was next to Pump Station. This region is similar to the Netherlands. River flood the area every spring time and they have to pump water prom polders back to river. Unless there is drought, like this year.    

This place is called "Birds Republic". There are birds, birds and even more birds. High season here is in March, April and May. Inn keeper told us that in August, we were here "for nothing". 

A piece of history of this place:


Evenings with fire, talks and moon waching:

Early morning and late evening are the best time for walking around and bird waching.
